
Go for God

It is our journey of faith and trust, where we set aside our own desires and allow God to take the lead in our lives.

Hello and welcome to the website of our English Presbytery of Korean Presbyterian Church Abroad (KPCA). We are a Presbytery not based upon geographic location but by language. We are made up of pastors and elders who serve local churches in the United States and Canada for the glory of Jesus Christ and edification of the Church. Our prayer and hope is that God would use our English Presbytery as a faithful witness to His power, love, and grace.

Our Faith

What do we believe?

Our Vision and Value

What is the KPCAEP about?

Our History

Where did we come from?


How do we run our church?

Enlarge the place of your tent, and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out; do not hold back; lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes.

Isaiah 54:2

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© 2024 KPCA English Presbytery

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