


The English Presbytery is operated through five committees: Executive Committee, Candidates & Credentials and Education (CCE) Committee, Member Care Committee, Missions Committee, and Rules & Regulations Committee. Members are assigned to each committee in the Spring Presbytery and are rotated each year within each committee to serve as a team member, clerk, and chair as well as rotated across committees. Details on what each committee can be found below:


The Moderator and Vice-Moderator are elected and appoint the other positions of Stated Clerk, Recording Clerk, and Treasurer. This executive maintains regular and continuing relationships to the higher governing bodies of the church, establishes and maintains those ecumenical relationships which will enlarge the life and mission of the church in our presbytery, deals with prevailing, emerging and emergency issues, and is charged with nominating persons for all positions for operating committees with Regional Directors.

Member CareMember Care
Member Care

This committee serves as pastor and counselor to the ministers and elders of the presbytery, facilitating relations between congregations, ministers and the presbytery, and settling difficulties on behalf of the presbytery. Policies for pastors and elders will be established such as: ethical guidelines, pastoral call and installation, sabbaticals, continuing training and education, minimum compensation and benefit requirements. This committee advocates on behalf of ministers and elders to local congregations for the well-being of those who serve the Lord.

Rules & RegulationsRules & Regulations
Rules & Regulations

The Rules and Regulation Committee exists to review various issues in local churches that need interpretation of KPCA Constitution and bi-laws of English Presbytery. The committee will review cases, interpret the law and advise on proper course of actions.

Candidates & CredentialsCandidates & Credentials
Candidates & Credentials

This committee oversees all those who seek ordination, transfer of membership and seeking membership into the KPCA, with the authority to dismiss candidates, enroll inquirers, and to certify candidates as ready for the examination of ordination. Each minister or candidate who seeks membership in the KPCA will be examined by committee on his or her Christian faith and views in theology, the Sacraments, the government of the Church, and pastoral call. This committee is also charged to prepare candidates to be certified for the examination of ordination. Elder ordination and election support is also provided by the committee under the KPCA Constitution. 


To develop strategy for the mission of the presbytery consistent with the mission of the Church, to mobilize and coordinate its strength for the most effective witness to the broader community for which it has responsibility.

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